Meet Rep Marcus Vaughn

Thank you for visiting my page.My name is Marcus Vaughn, and I am proud to represent the people of the 9th Norfolk district on Beacon Hill. I know that in order for Massachusetts to continue to succeed, we need to work together toward that goal. I continue to have the desire, experience, and mindset to help people, serve my community, and get things done.I come from what many would consider very humble beginnings, and I am the proud product of our public school system. I was the first in my family to go to college and was blessed to be awarded a full athletic scholarship to Syracuse University. I then earned my M.B.A. from California State University - Monterey Bay.I returned home to Massachusetts and settled in my wife’s hometown of Wrentham, where we chose to raise our family and start a business. It has been a wonderful journey, but those humble beginnings taught me not only to work hard to overcome obstacles but to have empathy and compassion for others. As individuals and as a community, we need to continue working together to ensure that success is possible for everyone.

Rep Vaughn's Priorities

State Representative Marcus Vaughn is dedicated to advancing policies that reflect the values and concerns of his constituents. As he looks ahead, he is committed to championing several key priorities that are crucial to the well-being and prosperity of our state. Representative Vaughn's future priorities include:

  • Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights and Opposing HD.4420

  • Amend the Right to Shelter Law to Limit Migrant Funding

  • Protecting Parental Rights

  • Education - Advocating for More Local Aid and Less Mandates

  • Growing Our Small Business Economy

  • Transparency - Requiring a Long Overdue State Audit

  • Safeguarding The Commonwealth's Digital Footprint

Latest Edition 3/31/2024


Rep Vaughn's Shop

Meet Rep Marcus Vaughn

Thank you for visiting my page.My name is Marcus Vaughn, and I am proud to represent the people of the 9th Norfolk district on Beacon Hill. I know that in order for Massachusetts to continue to succeed, we need to work together toward that goal. I continue to have the desire, experience, and mindset to help people, serve my community, and get things done.I come from what many would consider very humble beginnings, and I am the proud product of our public school system. I was the first in my family to go to college and was blessed to be awarded a full athletic scholarship to Syracuse University. I then earned my M.B.A. from California State University - Monterey Bay.I returned home to Massachusetts and settled in my wife’s hometown of Wrentham, where we chose to raise our family and start a business. It has been a wonderful journey, but those humble beginnings taught me not only to work hard to overcome obstacles but to have empathy and compassion for others. As individuals and as a community, we need to continue working together to ensure that success is possible for everyone.My story is not some made-for-TV movie and is the hallmark of what I consider the American Dream. My parents worked hard and sacrificed so their children could have a better life than they did, as their parents had done for them. I was blessed to have a ton of other positive role models as well - grandparents, aunts, uncles, and coaches along the way who led by example and instilled in me the value of hard work. In fact, I’ve been working since the age of ten, when I first manned the cash register at my grandfather’s barbershop in my spare time, provided that all of my studies were done.I was so fortunate to grow up in this environment - and while I might not have had every new gadget or a large home - I had love and support and an understanding that nothing was impossible if you put your mind to it. I plan on bringing these life experiences, as well as that of a husband, father, and entrepreneur, to work to create opportunities that bring more funding to our towns and schools while helping to build an economy that gives everyone the ability to succeed.As you can see, family is very important to me, and if I am elected, it will be my mission to look out for your family as I would my own. We deserve to live in safe communities, so I will continue to advocate for well-funded and well-trained public safety personnel and departments.While cliche, our children truly are our future, and I will prioritize funding and programs for our schools that give parents, educators, and administrators the tools they need to thrive.At the same time, I will do everything in my power to protect your hard-earned money by working to minimize waste and ensure that the money goes back to the communities—not to special interests and lobbyists' pet projects.But most of all, I will listen. My door will always be open, and I will be completely transparent. I know that while the big issues on Beacon Hill might get all the press, a true public servant’s primary role should be to help the people of the community.Whether it is working to restore power in a storm or helping someone get their unemployment insurance figured out - I will be there for you. I have been so blessed to have so many people helping me throughout my life. I would be honored to return the favor and earn your vote this November.Over the next several months, I will go door to door, trying to meet everyone. I will be creative and have house parties and public forums in person and on Zoom. I will continue to expand this site and cover more important issues for all of us.In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. If you are willing to help me get elected - please sign up as a volunteer. It will be much hard work, but I know we will succeed with great people standing with me.Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to meeting and chatting with you soon.

Rep Vaughn's Priorities

State Representative Marcus Vaughn is dedicated to advancing policies that reflect the values and concerns of his constituents. As he looks ahead, he is committed to championing several key priorities that are crucial to the well-being and prosperity of our state. Representative Vaughn's future priorities include:Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights and Opposing HD.4420
Representative Vaughn is a staunch advocate for the preservation of 2nd Amendment rights. He firmly believes in upholding the rights of citizens to bear arms responsibly and will work tirelessly to safeguard these rights. He stands firmly against HD.4420, recognizing its potential impact on the rights and freedoms of our citizens. He will actively oppose any legislation that threatens the fundamental rights of individuals.
Amend the Right to Shelter Law to Limit Migrant Funding
Representative Vaughn supports prioritizing our emergency shelters for citizens of the Commonwealth and, more importantly, our seniors and veterans rather than migrants.
Bringing Out Tax Dollars Back to Our Communities
The misguided Right to Shelter Law is a perfect example of how our state government is spending critical resources usually allocated Chapter 70 Education Local Aid and Chapter 90 General Local Aid to make sure our Towns can meet its priorities. Rep Vaughn will continue to favor reforms that will amend or end state programs, where those tax dollars will be better suited to more robust local aid.
Protecting Parental Rights
One of Representative Vaughn's core principles is the protection of parental rights. He believes that parents should have the autonomy to make decisions concerning the well-being and upbringing of their children without unnecessary government intervention. Representative Vaughn strongly opposes HB604, SB1391, and HB2151/SB1458, recognizing their potential to infringe upon parental rights and individual freedoms. He is committed to preventing these bills from becoming law and will work diligently to advocate for alternatives that respect and protect the rights of parents and families.
Education - Advocating for More Local Aid and Less Mandates
Representative Vaughn will continue to advocate for more local aid that was promised after the passage of the so-called "millionaires tax" in 2022. More revenue from the tax increase has not materialized, and the promised increases in Chapter 70 Local Aid have been cancelled to pay for the enormous cost for illegal migrants. Rep Vaughn will continue to advocate for our schools by demanding more local aid and an ease of expensive unfunded mandates.
Growing Our Small Business Economy
Small business is the backbone of the 9th Norfolk District. As a business owner, himself, Representative Vaughn will continue to support our small businesses on Beacon Hill and in our communities.
Transparency - Requiring a Long Overdue State AuditSafeguarding The Commonwealth's Digital Footprint
Representative Vaughn understands the importance of cybersecurity and protecting the Commonwealth's digital infrastructure from foreign adversaries. He is committed to implementing measures that enhance our state's cybersecurity defenses and ensure the safety of sensitive information.
As State Representative, Marcus Vaughn's future priorities reflect his dedication to upholding individual rights, parental autonomy, and the security of our state's digital assets. He is committed to working collaboratively with colleagues and constituents to ensure that these priorities are addressed effectively and in the best interests of Massachusetts residents.

Quarterly Newsletter 12/31/2023

Quarterly Newsletter 9/30/2023

Important Millis Links

Norfolk Migrant Shelter FAQs

Former Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk to be utilized for temporary Safety Net site

The Healey-Driscoll Administration is planning to open another state contracted Safety Net site for
families on the Emergency Assistance waitlist. The temporary site is scheduled to open no earlier than mid-June at the former Bay State Correctional Center (BSCC), which is a decommissioned pre-release correctional facility that ceased housing operations in 2015 and where facilities remain in good condition. The site will be able to house families in two settings: non-congregate private rooms in dormitory buildings and a congregate-style arrangement in the gymnasium as needed. Capacity could serve up to 450 individual members of families (approximately 140 families) on the EA waitlist, including those who end up staying at Logan Airport.
Why are you using this facility?
The Massachusetts prison population has decreased by nearly half in less than a decade and thanks to criminal justice reforms, the state maintains the lowest incarceration rates in 35 years. The Healey-Driscoll Administration recently announced the pending closure of MCI Concord, and as former correctional facilities are decommissioned, those facilities and the land they occupy will be repurposed for alternative uses. Bay State Correctional Center, a former minimum-security dorm-like facility, was decommissioned in 2015 and has not been occupied for nearly a decade. However, the site is upkept and in good condition.
The site will be repurposed and adapted to provide a temporary, emergency safety net site to families experiencing homelessness. As an existing state-owned property, the site can be quickly repositioned to provide dignified shelter at a fiscally responsible cost to meet the urgent needs of unhoused families.What will the site accommodations be?
The campus has two dormitory-style buildings and a third building that can host various daytime activities. The main dorm building has 144 rooms with amenities that include shared bathrooms and showers, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, a large common room, and office space, which will be utilized for case management and shelter administrative activities.
The second dorm building has 44 rooms, shared bathrooms and showers, and a large common room. The campus also has greenspace, which can be utilized for recreational activities. A retrofitting of the site will include play areas with developmentally appropriate activities for children and classroom spaces where adults will participate in ESOL classes, job training courses, and housing search workshops.Families will also be provided with bunk beds and pack ‘n plays in dormitory rooms, and as needed, cots and sleep kits that can be arranged in a congregate setting.What services will families be provided on the site?

  • Three culturally-appropriate meals a day as well as baby food as needed

  • Intensive case management and on-site support focused on housing stability, work authorization preparation, and transition from the Emergency Assistance system.

  • Assistance with school enrollment for children, as needed.

  • On-site clinical support by nurses from the Department of Public Health

  • Diapers, wipes, and other personal hygiene items.

How many families will be staying at the site?
Approximately 140 families, who are deemed eligible for Emergency assistance and on the waitlist, will be placed at the overflow site
Will families be able to leave the site and freely move throughout the site?
Yes, families will be able to leave and return to the campus as needed prior to the nightly curfew, aligned with policies in place at shelters across the state. Razor wire will be removed from fencing prior to launch; the fence will remain to ensure safety on the site, but families will have the freedom to leave and return to the site. The site will also have 24/7 security to further ensure the safety of residents.
What steps will be taken to convert the facility into a Safety Net site suitable for families?
The facilities on site are in good condition. Minor repairs to plumbing and other facility improvements will be made to ensure the safety and well-being of families residing at the site. The site will provide child-appropriate equipment, including cribs, highchairs, play spaces, and other developmentally appropriate activities for children.
Who will run the site?
The Executive Office of Health and Human Services will have a competitive bidding process for qualified shelter providers. The shelter provider will operate the site 24/7 and will contract with local vendors for certain services, like catering, cleaning, laundry, and security.
How long will this site operate as a Safety Net site?
Safety Net operations at the site are expected to continue for 6-12 months. Below are images of what the rooms at the facility will look like* and the current exterior/interior:

*Images of similar accommodations set up at Eastern Nazarene College

*Images of former Bay State Correctional Center exterior; cafeteria

Important Norfolk Links

Important Plainville Links

Important Walpole Links

Important Wrentham Links

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"I’m running for State Representative because I know we can do better for Massachusetts, and I have the desire, experience, and mindset to help people, serve my community, and get things done — and done right."

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